Research papers and articles

2022. Perspectives: Earth Rising. Sustainability. 18(1)

2021. (with A. Fitzpatrick), Decentring Durability: Plural Ideas and Practices of Long Lasting Clothes, London: UAL.  

2021. Autobiographical writing as an ecological research method in Journal of Fashion Practice.

2020. An interview with River Dean, in Journal of Fashion Theory, 24 (6), pp959-962.

2018. The Fashion Land Ethic: localism, clothing activity and Macclesfield, Journal of Fashion Practice, 10(2), pp139-159.

2018. (with G. Vittersø) Local food initiatives and fashion change: comparing food and clothes to better understand fashion localism, Journal of Fashion Practice, 10(2), pp160-170.

2018. (with A. Brooks, R. A. Francis, E. D. Rigby and T. Roberts) Fashion, Sustainability, and the Anthropocene, Utopian Studies, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp482-504.

2017. Demand reduction through usership in Special Issue on Material Demand Reduction, Royal Society Philosophical Transactions A, 375: 20160366.

2015. In The Hands of The User: The Local Wisdom Project and the Search for an Alternative Fashion System, Design Dialogues, Volume 7.2012. Durability, Fashion, Sustainability: The Processes and Practices of Use, Fashion Practice, 4 (2), pp221-238.

2014. Alternative Fashion Systems, Journal of Design Strategies, Vol. 6.

2013. (with D. Williams) Fashion Education in Sustainability in Practice. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp81-88.

2012. Durability, Fashion, Sustainability: The Processes and Practices of Use, Fashion Practice, 4 (2), pp221-238.

2011. Fashion and sustainability: The speed factor, HEIA Journal, 18 (2), pp26-34.

2010. Slow Fashion: an invitation for systems change, Fashion Practice, 2 (2), pp259-266.

2004. The Ecology of Clothing, Fourth Door Review, No. 7, pp67-71.

2002. (with E. Dewberry) Demi: a case study in design for sustainability, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol 3, No 1, pp38-47.

2001. (with P. Goggin) The Dominant Stances on Ecodesign: A Critique, Design Issues, 17(3). pp15-25.

1998. Design, the Environment and Textiles: Developing Strategies for Environmental Impact Reduction, Journal of the Textile Institute, 89(3), pp72-80.