For a ‘140-character-or-less’ flavour of the Routledge Handbook of Sustainability in Fashion, here are some of my tweets about the new book (in chapter running order) to whet your appetites:
Joanne Entwistle: How fashion history in social science chimes with sustainability concerns in the new #sustfash_handbook. @KingsCollegeLon
Louise St. Pierre: tension/reconciliation w industrial design & nature’s ‘inviolable’ systems @routledgebooks #sustfash_handbook @EmilyCarrU
Are we in ‘The Great Turning’ -the reawakening of our role in living systems? via J Macy & @johnthackara in Routledge’s #sustfash_handbook?
#sustfash_handbook: @johnthackara speaks on commons thinking vs. financializing of natural resources
#sustainability often limited to talk of mitigating effects for human comfort…1/2 @flourish2 in the new @Routledge_Arch #sustfash_handbook
2/2 But def. of #sustainability should be: for humans & other life to flourish on the planet forever. -via @flourish2 #sustfash_handbook
‘Economic growth has been taken as a proxy for over-all wellbeing.’ @atlasann in the new Routledge #sustfash_handbook …
…Re social anxiety: re-invigorate the civic realm & use skills, not possessions, to build social position –@atlasann in #sustfash_handbook
.@iamjchapman on the ‘cognitive distortion’ of seeing the materials/world around us as a fixed thing…1/2 #sustfash_handbook @uniofbrighton
2/2…and so stifling potentials of resilience –@iamjchapman in #sustfash_handbook @uniofbrighton @Routledge_Arch
Carolyn Strauss of @slowlab: not against ‘fast’ -investigating how design can open things up across the speed spectrum. #sustfash_handbook
‘To be serious about #sustfash is to be committed to the ‘not knowing’ that is essential to change.’ -Carolyn Strauss #sustfash_handbook
Profling intervention of 2nd hand clothes in Mozambique: A Ericsson & @DrABrooks for #sustfash_handbook @hogskolaniboras @KingsCollegeLon
Mozambican upcyclers, Mima-te challenging the dependency between Africa & the global North? -A Ericsson & @DrABrooks in #sustfash_handbook
‘Are women’s environmental concerns being sidelined thru eco-fashion as a niche option?’ @mijknits on the media in #sustfash_handbook
‘Spirituality in (fashion) practice the last prohibition or taboo’ Sue Thomas in #sustfash_handbook
The list of emerging #sustainability lexicon in the new #sustfash_handbook incl.: ‘mend follows matter’ & ‘accidental sustainability’.
‘The belief/disbelief in disposability of clothes alters how we produce/consume, even if a myth -IG Klepp & @KirsiLaitala #sustfash_handbook
‘Accidentally Sustainable?’ @sophierwoodward on #sustfash not as a separate add-on but as emerging from everyday practice #sustfash_handbook
.@citizenjoesmith traces shifts in fashion culture & politics through the experience of his grandmother’s 100 yrs. #sustfash_handbook (1/2)
2/2 and so gives historical perspective to our definition & perceived trajectory of ‘unsustainability’. @citizenjoesmith #sustfash_handbook
A history of fashion and sustainability with reference to film & popular culture from @SashaWallinger #sustfash_handbook
Sustainability branding by Carbonara & Goldsmith: drop marketing language that engages us in an endless return of apparent novelty @hogskolaniboras #sustfash_handbook
E Skjold of @designskolenkd on the discepency between consumerist logic of fashion media & true diversity of how we dress
Sci, tech & sustainability in clothing: material & systems action, modelling and analysis by Peters et al, Chalmers Uni #sustfash_handbook
From biomicry to biofacture: Carole Collet @ThisIsAlive @csm_news #sustfash_handbook
.@lzprkr cuts through layers of complexity on how to improve garment worker’s rights (1/2) -the new Routledge #sustfash_handbook @Fash_Rev
2/2 Critically, brands do have to pay a price to suppliers that can enable a living wage to be paid. @lzprkr #sustfash_handbook @Fash_Rev
Zero waste pattern cutting as a way of rupturing division btwn designer & craft: thoughts via @trissanen #sustfash_handbook @TheNewSchool
& z waste pattern cutting is a powerful design ideation tool. As an alt. to sketching represents shift well. –@trissanen #sustfash_handbook
The data of global textile flows reveals hard realities & opportunities. Read more from Lynda Grose in #sustfash_handbook @CACollegeofArts
Lynda Grose takes on the world of material flow, globally & in detail …in the new @Routledge_Arch #sustfash_handbook @CACollegeofArts
1/3 @dilyswilliams of @sustfash & @ResearchUAL: Examples of fashion design that’s greater than the current capitalist model. #sustfash_handbook
2/3: ‘Designers like @zakeeshariff & @DriesVanNoten have found ways to put values at heart of their work’ –@dilyswilliams #sustfash_handbook
3/3: ‘Non reductive sustainability engages star design skills for visualising landscape AROUND questions.’ @dilyswilliams #sustfash_handbook
Lizzie Harrison of @antiformonline & @remadeinleeds: Connecting dots between community development & fashion in the #sustfash_handbook 1/2
2/2 Case studies of hyper localism & tapping into cross-cultural skills from Lizzie Harrison in the #sustfash_handbook, @antiformonline
‘Industrial fashion may appear to offer huge choice but it’s mainly a homogenous assortment’ –@amykeepandshare in #sustfash_handbook 1/2
Re-knitting as next level of radical grassroots making in disrupting mainstream fashion by @amykeepandshare 2/2 in Routledge #sustfash_handbook
‘Here in Cuba, everything is mended and every person is a mender’: @wearlog in the new #sustfash_handbook @LancesterUni 1/2
‘As mending becomes less necessary, visible mending used to show produe and politics of “durational aesthetics”‘ @wearlog #sustfash_handbook @LancesterUni 2/2
‘The power of fashion is not residing in some building in Paris/NYC but is repeated between us everyday’ Otto von Busch #sustfash_handbook
‘Repair as proactive resistance; the garment no longer a commodity but a companion in adventures in life’ Otto von Busch #sustfash_handbook
‘As ceasefire is not peace, maintaining status quo is not sustainability’- Mathilda Tham of @GoldsmithsUoL co-ed of #sustfash_handbook 1/2
2/2 ‘True sustainability needs long term investment + imm. urgent action & reconciliation Mathilda Tham of @GoldsmithsUoL co-ed of #sustfash_handbook
(And thank you to Katelyn for her work on this)